Which Student Loans Should I Pay Off First? (2024)

As you decide which student loan to pay off first, consider taking a look at the types of loans you have. If you have private loans, you might consider starting with that debt. On the other hand, some federal student loans have higher interest rates, so you might feel more comfortable tackling those first.

Key Takeaways

  • You likely have several different types of student loans.
  • Federal consolidation can help you streamline your federal student loan repayment.
  • A good repayment strategy fits your needs and personal finance style.
  • If you have a mix of private and federal loans, you might want to tackle them separately.
  • Consider federal student loan relief when making repayment plans.

Student Loan Payments: Factors to Consider

As you consider how to proceed with student loan repayment, there are several important factors to consider:

The Type of Loan You Have

The type of student loans you have can impact how you decide which loan to pay off first. Your first consideration is whether you have federal student loans, private student loans, or a mix of both.

Federal student loans are standardized, and the terms depend on what type of loan you have and when you took it out. Each year, a fixed interest rate is set for each type of federal student loan based on a formula provided by Congress.

Here are some of the federal loan types and their general repayment terms:

  • Direct Unsubsidized: During school and a six-month grace period after leaving it, interest begins accruing on the loan. Any accrued interest is added to the balance of the loan at the end of the grace period.
  • Direct Subsidized: While you’re in school and during the six-month grace period, interest is paid by the federal government. At the end of the grace period, when you begin repayment, you become responsible for the interest.
  • Direct PLUS Loans: These loans begin accruing interest as soon as they are disbursed. There is no grace period on Parent Loan for Undergraduate Students (PLUS) loans, but for graduate and professional students, there is an automatic six-month deferment when you finish school.
  • Direct Consolidation Loans: It’s possible to consolidate all of your federal student loans into a single loan to streamline payments. Once you consolidate your loans, your interest on the new loan starts accruing. Your interest rate will be fixed, and it will be the weighted average of the interest rates on the loans you consolidated. The rate will be rounded up to the nearest one-eighth of 1%. If you are worried about a higher fixed rate, you may choose to only consolidate some of your loans and not others. Depending on your situation, it might also make sense to wait until near the end of the six-month grace period before consolidating loans.

Private student loans have different repayment terms and interest rates, depending on your lender. If you have multiple private loans, it’s also possible to refinance them into one loan. With refinancing, you replace multiple smaller loans with one bigger loan. This simplifies your private loan payments, similar to how loan consolidation can help with your federal student debt.

Your Interest Rates

Next, pay attention to the interest rates you have:

  • Federal loans have fixed rates, but each rate can be different based on the year when it was disbursed.
  • Private loans can have fixed or variable rates. Fixed rates remain the same throughout the life of the repayment, while variable rates can change with market conditions.

Fixed rates offer a reliable payment that can fit into your budget. If you have a loan with a variable payment, it may make more sense to start with that debt before rates begin increasing. Alternatively, it might be better to refinance to a loan with a fixed rate if possible.

Another option is to start with the loan that has the highest interest rate. By paying down the loan with the highest interest rate, you have a better chance to get rid of the most expensive debt first so that overall interest accrues at a slower rate.

The Debt You Have

Before deciding which student loan to pay off first, don’t forget to consider other types of debt you have. For example, starting with high-interest credit card debt might make more sense before aggressively tackling your student loans.

High-interest credit card debt can lead to higher overall interest charges. Paying off your credit cards first could save you money in the long run. Additionally, paying down your credit card debt can help boost your credit score.

Pay attention to your other types of debt and how these accounts might impact your ability to meet other financial goals. In some cases, it might make more sense to put money toward paying down other types of high-interest debt while making the minimum monthly payment on your student loans. Once your other debt is paid off, you can decide whether to start with federal or private student loans.

Repayment Options

Depending on your income, you might have access to income-driven repayment (IDR) options with your federal loans, limiting your minimum monthly payment to a percentage of your income. Private loans don’t typically offer IDR options, so you might see if you can secure a lower payment on your federal loans while you tackle your private loans.

Another consideration is term length. Longer term lengths, which are typically part of IDR plans as well as direct consolidation loans, generally lead to lower monthly payments. However, the longer your term, the more interest you might accrue. You could pay more in the long run if you choose a longer repayment term and don’t pay off your debt early.

An IDR plan may qualify for forgiveness, but a standard consolidation plan may not. Be sure to check before switching to a different repayment plan. Also, consolidation may not be right for everyone; it’ll depend on your situation.

Strategies to Pay Off Your Student Loans

As you create a student loan repayment plan, different strategies can provide you with the means to get rid of your debt faster. Choose a strategy that works best for your circ*mstances and that you’re more likely to stick with.

Here are three strategies to consider:

Pay Off Private Student Loans First

One approach is to start with paying down your private student loans. Private loans are not eligible for forgiveness through the government. If you have private and federal loans, your federal loans may be eligible for federal student loan forgiveness depending on your occupation and other factors.

For example, if you work for a qualifying nonprofit, it might make more sense to get on an IDR plan and apply for Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) after making 120 qualifying payments. While you make consistent payments on your federal loans, you could work on more aggressively paying down your private student loans.

Just remember: Some consolidation plans do not qualify for PSLF. IDR plans will keep your payments qualified and counted toward the 120 required payments for PSLF. Be sure to ask about PSLF before consolidating your federal loans.

Some IDR plans offer automatic cancellation after 20 or 25 years. If you’re on the plan for long enough, even if you don’t qualify for PSLF, your remaining balance might be forgiven.

Pay Off High-Interest Loans First

Another effective strategy is the debt avalanche. With this approach, you pay off your loans from the highest interest rate to the lowest. You make the minimum payments on each balance, with the exception of the highest-rate loan. Make an extra monthly payment based on how much you can put toward the debt.

For example, if you have $200 extra to put toward debt reduction and your highest-interest balance has a minimum payment of $500, you put $700 toward that debt. Once that high-interest debt is paid off, you put the entire amount of the former payment toward the next debt on your list.

Starting with high-interest loans minimizes the interest you pay in the long run, since the higher rates accumulate interest charges faster.

Pay Off Small Loans First

Instead of starting with high-interest loans, you can follow a similar strategy but order your loans from smallest balance to the largest. This method allows you to get a quick “win” by paying off the smallest loan and offering you the satisfaction of reaching a milestone.

You might pay a little more interest in the long run, but for some borrowers, the regular wins early on make it easier to stay motivated to keep paying down debt.

Is It a Good Idea to Pay Off Your Student Loan Early?

If you’re concerned with how much you’ll be paying in interest in the long run and want to be debt-free faster, it can be a good idea to pay off your student loans early.

However, if paying your student loan off quickly means delaying investing in your retirement, you may want to rethink your strategy. Since time is the major multiplying factor in compound interest, it is advisable to start investing as soon as possible. If that means paying off lower-interest loans like student loans more slowly, you may be better served by creating a plan that allows you to do both.

To determine the right path, look at the interest rate on your student loans and the projected returns on your investments. If your student loan interest rate is lower, you may be better served by taking any extra money you might use to pay down loans and investing it instead. Talk to a financial advisor to find the best options for your situation.

I Have Two Loans With the Same Interest Rate. Which One Should I Pay First?

If you have two debts with the same interest rate, starting with the smaller balance can help you meet a milestone quicker and be a motivator to keep going. On the other hand, if you start with a higher balance, you might save a little bit more on interest.

Should I Apply for Student Loan Forgiveness?

As long as you don’t submit any false information, there’s no harm in applying for student loan forgiveness. If you qualify, you could potentially get rid of your balance (or at least a portion of it) much faster. This might allow you to work toward other financial goals you have once you’re debt-free.

Which Student Loans Should You Pay First: Subsidized or Unsubsidized?

It’s a good idea to start paying back unsubsidized student loans first, since you’re more likely to have a higher balance that accrues interest much faster. Once your grace period is over, even subsidized loans will start accruing interest. However, because those balances are typically lower, the interest shouldn’t add up as quickly.

Is It Better to Pay Off Interest or Principal on Student Loans?

In general, it’s better to put extra payments toward the loan’s principal. When making more than the minimum payment, you might need to specify that you want the additional amount to go toward the principal to reduce the amount you owe.

The Bottom Line

In the end, the best method is the one that helps you work toward your other financial goals as you pay down your student loans as quickly as possible.

As you decide which student loan to pay off first, keep in mind the types of loans you have, their interest rates, and whether they might be eligible for forgiveness. Also consider consolidating and/or refinancing your loans to streamline the repayment process and provide you with a faster way to get rid of your student loan debt.

Which Student Loans Should I Pay Off First? (2024)


Which Student Loans Should I Pay Off First? ›

If you have federal student loans, they may be either subsidized or unsubsidized loans. It's typically best to focus on your unsubsidized loans first since they accrue interest during school and your grace period.

Which student loan should you pay off first? ›

If you have federal student loans, they may be either subsidized or unsubsidized loans. It's typically best to focus on your unsubsidized loans first since they accrue interest during school and your grace period.

Which loan is better to pay off first? ›

High-interest debt can cost you more the longer you have it, so it makes perfect sense to pay off the loan with the highest interest rate first. The nickname for this tactic is the “avalanche method.”

Which type of student loan should I try to get first? ›

Explore your federal options first

For most student borrowers, federal Direct loans are the better option. They almost always cost less and are easier to repay.

Should you pay off student loan interest or principal first? ›

Initially, most of each loan payment will be applied to interest charges, not the principal, so the loan balance will decrease slowly. There may also be interest that accrued during a deferment or forbearance. This interest must be paid off before the principal balance will decrease.

Should you pay off principal or interest first? ›

Because interest is calculated against the principal balance, paying down the principal in less time on your mortgage reduces the interest you'll pay. Even small additional principal payments can help.

What should I pay off first student loan or credit card? ›

In general, it's best to pay off credit card debt first, then loan debt, since credit cards often have the highest interest rates. When you prioritize paying off credit card debt, you'll not only save money on interest, but you'll potentially improve your credit too.

Should I pay my subsidized or unsubsidized loans? ›

A subsidized loan doesn't start accruing interest until you've graduated and you're out of deferment. Unsubsidized loans, on the other hand, start gathering interest as soon as you borrow them. It makes sense, then, to work on paying off these loans first.

What is the right way to pay off student loans? ›

9 tips for paying off student loans fast
  1. Make additional payments.
  2. Set up automatic payments.
  3. Get a part-time job in college.
  4. Stick to a budget.
  5. Consider refinancing.
  6. Apply for loan forgiveness.
  7. Lower your interest rate.
  8. Take advantage of tax deductions.
Feb 28, 2024

Which student loan type has the most benefits? ›

Federal student loans are made by the government, with terms and conditions that are set by law, and include many benefits (such as fixed interest rates and income-driven repayment plans) not typically offered with private loans.

Which student loan is the best overall? ›

Best overall: College Ave

They provide loan amounts that vary from as low as $1,000 to the total cost of your entire school-certified expenses like tuition, fees and housing. Student loans rates are competitive, at 4.39% to 16.49% for fixed undergraduate loans and 4.39% to 14.49% for fixed-rate graduate loans.

When given the choice, which student loan option should you choose first? ›

Pay off your private student loans first

As mentioned, private student loans should probably take precedence over federal. You're likely paying more interest on the private debt, and if you fall on hard times, your private loans may provide fewer options than your federal loans.

Which student loan should I pay first? ›

It's a good idea to start paying back unsubsidized student loans first, since you're more likely to have a higher balance that accrues interest much faster.

Can you pay off a Sallie Mae loan early? ›

Yes, you can pay your student loan in full at any time. If you are financially able to do so, it may make sense for you to pay off your student loans early to save money on interest.

Is it better to pay off student loans now or wait? ›

Pay less over the life of the loan: Because your student loan, like most other debt, accrues interest when you carry a balance, it's cheaper if you pay off the loan earlier. It gives the debt less time to accumulate interest, meaning you'll pay less in the long run.

Should I pay off interest or principal first student loan? ›

The best way to repay student loans, if you want to save money on interest and reduce your principal faster, is to tackle the loans with the higher interest rate first.

How to decide which loan to pay off first? ›

Prioritizing debt by interest rate.

This repayment strategy, sometimes called the avalanche method, prioritizes your debts from the highest interest rate to the lowest. First, you'll pay off your balance with the highest interest rate, followed by your next-highest interest rate and so on.

Do student loans go away after 7 years? ›

Do student loans go away after 7 years? While negative information about your student loans may disappear from your credit reports after seven years, the student loans will remain on your credit reports — and in your life — until you pay them off.

What is the best payment method for student loans? ›

Best repayment option: standard repayment. On the standard student loan repayment plan, you make equal monthly payments for 10 years. If you can afford the standard plan, you'll pay less in interest and pay off your loans faster than you would on other federal repayment plans.

Why you shouldn't rush to pay off student loans? ›

You will need enough income to cover a higher monthly payment, which could delay saving for other goals. Furthermore, paying too much toward your student loan could cause you to fall short on essential bills like rent or a car loan. Defaulting on any loan could result in long-term effects on your credit score.

Should you pay off loans with higher interest first? ›

You should first pay off debt with the highest interest rate if your goal is to save money. This approach is known as the debt avalanche method. As of the first quarter of 2024, the average annual percentage rate (APR) on credit cards was over 22%, according to the Federal Reserve.

Should I pay off higher or lower balance first? ›

You should first pay off debt with the highest interest rate if your goal is to save money. This approach is known as the debt avalanche method. As of the first quarter of 2024, the average annual percentage rate (APR) on credit cards was over 22%, according to the Federal Reserve.

Should I prioritize paying off student loans? ›

Key takeaways. Paying off student loans early can benefit you financially, but it should typically come second to building your emergency fund and retirement savings. People with private student loans or without other debt tend to benefit more from paying off student loans early.

Should she pay off her student loan first or start investing? ›

If you desire to become debt-free quickly, putting your extra money toward removing student debt is ideal. However, investing could be a better option if your expected rate of return is higher than your student loan's interest rate or if you want to work on your financial security. You could also choose to do both.

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