Time Value of Money – Six Functions of a Dollar Lesson 2 – Future Worth of $1 (2024)

Appraisal Training: Self-Paced Online Learning Session

  • Introduction
  • Lesson 1
  • Lesson 2
  • Lesson 3
  • Lesson 4
  • Lesson 5
  • Lesson 6
  • Lesson 7
  • Lesson 8
  • Lesson 9
  • Lesson 10
  • Summary
  • Exam

This lesson discusses the Future Worth of $1 (FW$1); one of six compound interest functions presented in Assessors' Handbook Section 505 (AH 505), Capitalization Formulas and Tables. This lesson:

  • Explains the FW$1 function's meaning and purpose
  • Provides the formula for FW$1 factors
  • Contains practical examples of how to apply the FW$1 factor
  • Explains the Rule of 72
  • Shows how to calculate the future value of multiple payments
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FW$1: Meaning and Purpose

The FW$1 is the amount to which $1 will grow at periodic interest rate i after n periods, assuming the payment of $1 occurs at the beginning of the first period.

The FW$1 is used to compound a single present amount to its future amount. The FW$1 factors are in column 1 of AH 505 (opens in a new tab).

The future worth of 1 factor (FW$1) is based on the premise that $1 deposited at the beginning of a period earns interest during the period and becomes part of the principal at the beginning of the next period. This continues for the number of periods in the problem.

Formula for Calculating FW$1 Factors

The formula for the calculation of the FW$1 factors is

FW$1 = (1 + i)n


  • FW$1 = Future Worth of $1 Factor
  • i = Periodic Interest Rate, often expressed as an annual percentage rate
  • n = Number of Periods, often expressed in years

All of the other compound interest formulas published in AH 505 are derived from the basic compounding expression in the FW$1 factor, (1 + i)n. As we will see, this mathematical expression is the basic building block of all the other compound interest formulas.

The periodic interest rate, i, must match the compounding period, n (this holds for all compound interest functions). For example, if n is stated in years, indicating annual compounding, i must be stated as an annual rate; if n is stated in months, indicating monthly compounding, i must be stated as a monthly rate.

For now, we will assume annual compounding, so our periods, n, will be in years and the periodic interest rate, i, will be the annual percentage rate. Later, we will introduce the concept of more than one compounding period per year (monthly, quarterly, etc.).

In order to calculate the annual FW$1 factor for 4 years at an annual interest rate of 6%, use the formula below:

  • FW$1 = (1 + i)n
  • FW$1 = (1 + 0.06)4
  • FW$1 = (1.06)4
  • FW$1 = 1.262477

Viewed on a timeline:

Time Value of Money – Six Functions of a Dollar Lesson 2 – Future Worth of $1 (1)

On the timeline, the initial deposit of $1 is shown as negative because from the point of view of a depositer it would be a cash outflow. The future value is shown as positive because it would be a cash inflow. The depositor gives up money now in order to receive money later.

To locate the FW$1 factor go to AH 505, page 33 (opens in a new tab). Go down 4 years and across to column 1. The FW$1 factor is 1.262477.

Cells of note are highlighted. ANNUAL COMPOUND INTEREST TABLES

Note this value.ANNUAL RATE 6.00%

Years Note this text.Future Worth of 1 Future Worth of 1 per Period Sinking Fund Factor Present Worth of 1 Present Worth of 1 per Period Periodic Repayment
1 1.060000 1.000000 1.000000 0.943396 0.943396 1.060000
2 1.123600 2.060000 0.485437 0.889996 1.833393 0.545437
3 1.191016 3.183600 0.314110 0.839619 2.673012 0.374110
Note this value.4 Note this value.1.262477 4.374616 0.228591 0.792094 3.465106 0.288591
5 1.338226 5.637093 0.177396 0.747258 4.212364 0.237396
6 1.418519 6.975319 0.143363 0.704961 4.917324 0.203363

In most problems, we don't want the FW$1; we want the future worth of some other amount that has been deposited or invested. To put it another way, we want to use the FW$1 factor to solve a TVM problem. When working problems, we will use the notation shown below. Don't worry too much about the notation now. Using it will become easier as we work problems throughout the lessons.


=Future Worth of $1 Factor


=Present Worth of $1 Factor


=Future Worth of $1 per Period Factor


=Present Worth of $1 per Period Factor


=Periodic Repayment Factor


=Present Value (of single amount or annuity)


=Future Value (of single amount or annuity)


=Periodic Interest Rate


=Number of Periods


=Periodic Payment (Annuity)

Practical Applications of FW$1

Example 1:

You deposit $2,000 today at an annual interest rate of 6%. How much will you have at the end of 10 years, assuming annual compounding?


  • FV = PV × FW$1 (6%, 10 yrs, annual)
  • FV = $2,000 × 1.790848
  • FV = $3,582
  • Find the annual FW$1 factor (annual compounding) for 6% at a term of 10 years. In AH 505, page 33 (opens in a new tab), go down 10 years and across to column 1 to find the correct factor of 1.790848.
  • The future value of $3,582 is equal to the present value of $2,000 multiplied by the factor.

Cells of note are highlighted. ANNUAL COMPOUND INTEREST TABLES

Note this value.ANNUAL RATE 6.00%

Years Note this text.Future Worth of 1 Future Worth of 1 per Period Sinking Fund Factor Present Worth of 1 Present Worth of 1 per Period Periodic Repayment
1 1.060000 1.000000 1.000000 0.943396 0.943396 1.060000
2 1.123600 2.060000 0.485437 0.889996 1.833393 0.545437
3 1.191016 3.183600 0.314110 0.839619 2.673012 0.374110
4 1.262477 4.374616 0.228591 0.792094 3.465106 0.288591
5 1.338226 5.637093 0.177396 0.747258 4.212364 0.237396
6 1.418519 6.975319 0.143363 0.704961 4.917324 0.203363
7 1.503630 8.393838 0.119135 0.665057 5.582381 0.179135
8 1.593848 9.897468 0.101036 0.627412 6.209794 0.161036
9 1.689479 11.491316 0.087022 0.591898 6.801692 0.147022
Note this value.10 Note this value.1.790848 13.180795 0.075868 0.558395 7.360087 0.135868
11 1.898299 14.971643 0.066793 0.526788 7.886875 0.126793
12 2.012196 16.869941 0.059277 0.496969 8.383844 0.119277
13 2.132928 18.882138 0.052960 0.468839 8.852683 0.112960

Example 2:

The Jones family places $100,000 in an investment that will provide an annual rate of return of 5%. What will the investment be worth in 2 years?


  • FV = PV × FW$1 (5%, 2 yrs, annual)
  • FV = $100,000 × 1.102500
  • FV = $110,250
  • Find the annual FW$1 factor (annual compounding) for 5% at a term of 2 years. In AH 505, page 29 (opens in a new tab), go down 2 years and across to column 1 to find the correct factor of 1.102500.
  • The future value of $110,250 is equal to the present value of $100,000 multiplied by the factor.

Cells of note are highlighted. ANNUAL COMPOUND INTEREST TABLES

Note this value.ANNUAL RATE 5.00%

Years Note this text.Future Worth of 1 Future Worth of 1 per Period Sinking Fund Factor Present Worth of 1 Present Worth of 1 per Period Periodic Repayment
1 1.050000 1.000000 1.000000 0.952381 0.952381 1.050000
Note this value.2 Note this value.1.102500 2.050000 0.487805 0.907029 1.859410 0.537805
3 1.157625 3.152500 0.317209 0.863838 2.723248 0.367209
4 1.215506 4.310125 0.232012 0.822702 3.545951 0.282012
5 1.276282 5.525631 0.180975 0.783526 4.329477 0.230975

Example 3:

You have $450,000 to invest and can earn an annual interest rate of 7.50%. How much will your investment be worth in 10 years?


  • FV = PV × FW$1 (7.50%, 10 yrs, annual)
  • FV = $450,000 × 2.061032
  • FV = $927,464
  • Find the annual FW$1 factor (annual compounding) for 7.50% at a term of 10 years. In AH 505, page 39 (opens in a new tab), go down 10 years and across to column 1 to find the correct factor of 2.061032.
  • The future value of $927,464 is equal to the present value of $450,000 multiplied by the factor.

Cells of note are highlighted. ANNUAL COMPOUND INTEREST TABLES

Note this value.ANNUAL RATE 7.50%

Years Note this text.Future Worth of 1 Future Worth of 1 per Period Sinking Fund Factor Present Worth of 1 Present Worth of 1 per Period Periodic Repayment
1 1.075000 1.000000 1.000000 0.930233 0.930233 1.075000
2 1.155625 2.075000 0.481928 0.865333 1.795565 0.556928
3 1.242297 3.230625 0.309538 0.804961 2.600526 0.384538
4 1.335469 4.472922 0.223568 0.748801 3.349326 0.298568
5 1.435629 5.808391 0.172165 0.696559 4.045885 0.247165
6 1.543302 7.244020 0.138045 0.647962 4.693846 0.213045
7 1.659049 8.787322 0.113800 0.602755 5.296601 0.188800
8 1.783478 10.446371 0.095727 0.560702 5.857304 0.170727
9 1.917239 12.229849 0.081767 0.521583 6.378887 0.156767
Note this value.10 Note this value.2.061032 14.147087 0.070686 0.485194 6.864081 0.145686
11 2.215609 16.208119 0.061697 0.451343 7.315424 0.136697
12 2.381780 18.423728 0.054278 0.419854 7.735278 0.129278
13 2.560413 20.805508 0.048064 0.390562 8.125840 0.123064

Example 4:

A given product costs $500 today. The cost of the product is expected to rise at an annual rate of 10%. How much will the product cost in 5 years?


  • FV = PV × FW$1 (10%, 5 yrs, annual)
  • FV = $500 × 1.610510
  • FV = $805
  • Find the annual FW$1 factor (annual compounding) for 10% at a term of 5 years. In AH 505, page 49 (opens in a new tab), go down 5 years and across to column 1 to find the correct factor of 1.610510.
  • The future value of $805 is equal to the present value of $500 multiplied by the factor.

Cells of note are highlighted. ANNUAL COMPOUND INTEREST TABLES

Note this value.ANNUAL RATE 10.00%

Years Note this text.Future Worth of 1 Future Worth of 1 per Period Sinking Fund Factor Present Worth of 1 Present Worth of 1 per Period Periodic Repayment
1 1.100000 1.000000 1.000000 0.909091 0.909091 1.100000
2 1.210000 2.100000 0.476190 0.826446 1.735537 0.576190
3 1.331000 3.310000 0.302115 0.751315 2.486852 0.402115
4 1.464100 4.641000 0.215471 0.683013 3.169865 0.315471
Note this value.5 Note this value.1.610510 6.105100 0.163797 0.620921 3.790787 0.263797
6 1.771561 7.715610 0.129607 0.564474 4.355261 0.229607
7 1.948717 9.487171 0.105405 0.513158 4.868419 0.205405
8 2.143589 11.435888 0.087444 0.466507 5.334926 0.187444

Example 5:

Approximately how long does it take a given amount to grow to 10 times its original amount, given an annual interest rate of 5% with annual compounding?


  • Use the compound interest tables to estimate the answer by inspecting the tables.
  • On the annual page for 5% (AH 505, page 29 [opens in a new tab]), inspect the FW$1 column (column 1) to find a factor that is approximately equal to 10 (FV ÷ PV = 10 ÷ 1).
  • The answer is slightly greater than 47 years (the factor for 47 years is 9.905971).

Cells of note are highlighted. ANNUAL COMPOUND INTEREST TABLES

Note this value.ANNUAL RATE 5.00%

Years Note this text.Future Worth of 1 Future Worth of 1 per Period Sinking Fund Factor Present Worth of 1 Present Worth of 1 per Period Periodic Repayment
44 8.557150 151.143006 0.006616 0.116861 17.662773 0.056616
45 8.985008 159.700156 0.006262 0.111297 17.774070 0.056262
46 9.434258 168.685164 0.005928 0.105997 17.880066 0.055928
Note this value.47 Note this value.9.905971 178.119422 0.005614 0.100949 17.981016 0.055614
48 10.401270 188.025393 0.005318 0.096142 18.077158 0.055318
49 10.921333 198.426663 0.005040 0.091564 18.168722 0.055040
50 11.467400 209.347996 0.004777 0.087204 18.255925 0.054777

“Rule of 72”

The Rule of 72 is a rule of thumb that is closely related to the FW$1 factor. The rule assumes annual compounding.

The Rule of 72 can be used to estimate either of the following:

  1. The number of years it would take for an amount to double at a given annual interest rate, or
  2. The annual interest rate, if an amount has doubled in a given number of years.

The formula for the Rule of 72 is:

Time Value of Money – Six Functions of a Dollar Lesson 2 – Future Worth of $1 (2)

Or, transposing:

Time Value of Money – Six Functions of a Dollar Lesson 2 – Future Worth of $1 (3)

Note: When using the Rule of 72, the annual interest rates are stated as percentages, not as decimals.

The smaller the difference between the factors of 72 (i.e., the number of years and the annual interest rate) the more accurate the estimate. For example, when the factors are 9 and 8, the estimate is more accurate than when the factors are 36 and 2.

Practical Applications of “Rule of 72”

Example 1:

You deposit $1,000 in an account that pays an annual interest rate of 6%. Approximately how long will it take this deposit to grow to $2,000?


Time Value of Money – Six Functions of a Dollar Lesson 2 – Future Worth of $1 (4)

The estimate may be confirmed using the compound interest tables in AH 505, page 33 (opens in a new tab), column 1. At 12 years, the FW$1 factor is approximately equal to 2, indicating a doubling (the actual factor is 2.012196).

Cells of note are highlighted. ANNUAL COMPOUND INTEREST TABLES

Note this value.ANNUAL RATE 6.00%

Years Note this text.Future Worth of 1 Future Worth of 1 per Period Sinking Fund Factor Present Worth of 1 Present Worth of 1 per Period Periodic Repayment
1 1.060000 1.000000 1.000000 0.943396 0.943396 1.060000
2 1.123600 2.060000 0.485437 0.889996 1.833393 0.545437
3 1.191016 3.183600 0.314110 0.839619 2.673012 0.374110
4 1.262477 4.374616 0.228591 0.792094 3.465106 0.288591
5 1.338226 5.637093 0.177396 0.747258 4.212364 0.237396
6 1.418519 6.975319 0.143363 0.704961 4.917324 0.203363
7 1.503630 8.393838 0.119135 0.665057 5.582381 0.179135
8 1.593848 9.897468 0.101036 0.627412 6.209794 0.161036
9 1.689479 11.491316 0.087022 0.591898 6.801692 0.147022
10 1.790848 13.180795 0.075868 0.558395 7.360087 0.135868
11 1.898299 14.971643 0.066793 0.526788 7.886875 0.126793
Note this value.12 Note this value.2.012196 16.869941 0.059277 0.496969 8.383844 0.119277
13 2.132928 18.882138 0.052960 0.468839 8.852683 0.112960
14 2.260904 21.015066 0.047585 0.442301 9.294984 0.107585
15 2.396558 23.275970 0.042963 0.417265 9.712249 0.102963

Example 2:

Eight years ago you received a small inheritance that you deposited in a savings account. The amount has now doubled. What compound annual interest rate have you earned over the past 8 years?


Time Value of Money – Six Functions of a Dollar Lesson 2 – Future Worth of $1 (5)

To confirm the estimate, search in AH 505 for the annual rate at which the FW$1 factor for 8 years is approximately equal to 2, indicating a doubling. In AH 505, page 45 (opens in a new tab), column 1, the FW$1 factor at 8 years is approximately equal to 2 (the actual factor is 1.992563).

Cells of note are highlighted. ANNUAL COMPOUND INTEREST TABLES

Note this value.ANNUAL RATE 9.00%

Years Note this text.Future Worth of 1 Future Worth of 1 per Period Sinking Fund Factor Present Worth of 1 Present Worth of 1 per Period Periodic Repayment
1 1.090000 1.000000 1.000000 0.917431 0.917431 1.090000
2 1.188100 2.090000 0.478469 0.841680 1.759111 0.568469
3 1.295029 3.278100 0.305055 0.772183 2.531295 0.395055
4 1.411582 4.573129 0.218669 0.708425 3.239720 0.308669
5 1.538624 5.984711 0.167092 0.649931 3.889651 0.257092
6 1.677100 7.523335 0.132920 0.596267 4.485919 0.222920
7 1.828039 9.200435 0.108691 0.547034 5.032953 0.198691
Note this value.8 Note this value.1.992563 11.028474 0.090674 0.501866 5.534819 0.180674
9 2.171893 13.021036 0.076799 0.460428 5.995247 0.166799
10 2.367364 15.192930 0.065820 0.422411 6.417658 0.155820

Example 3:

You've purchased a house that you think will double in value in 10 years. At what annual compound rate will the property have appreciated?


Time Value of Money – Six Functions of a Dollar Lesson 2 – Future Worth of $1 (6)

At an annual rate of 7.00% the FW$1 factor for 10 years is 1.967151 (AH 505, page 37 [opens in a new tab]).

Cells of note are highlighted. ANNUAL COMPOUND INTEREST TABLES

Note this value.ANNUAL RATE 7.00%

Years Note this text.Future Worth of 1 Future Worth of 1 per Period Sinking Fund Factor Present Worth of 1 Present Worth of 1 per Period Periodic Repayment
1 1.070000 1.000000 1.000000 0.934579 0.934579 1.070000
2 1.144900 2.070000 0.483092 0.873439 1.808018 0.553092
3 1.225043 3.214900 0.311052 0.816298 2.624316 0.381052
4 1.310796 4.439943 0.225228 0.762895 3.387211 0.295228
5 1.402552 5.750739 0.173891 0.712986 4.100197 0.243891
6 1.500730 7.153291 0.139796 0.666342 4.766540 0.209796
7 1.605781 8.654021 0.115553 0.622750 5.389289 0.185553
8 1.718186 10.259803 0.097468 0.582009 5.971299 0.167468
9 1.838459 11.977989 0.083486 0.543934 6.515232 0.153486
Note this value.10 Note this value.1.967151 13.816448 0.072378 0.508349 7.023582 0.142378
11 2.104852 15.783599 0.063357 0.475093 7.498674 0.133357
12 2.252192 17.888451 0.055902 0.444012 7.942686 0.125902

At an annual rate of 7.50% the FW$1 factor for 10 years is 2.061032 (AH 505, page 39 [opens in a new tab]).

Cells of note are highlighted. ANNUAL COMPOUND INTEREST TABLES

Note this value.ANNUAL RATE 7.50%

Years Note this text.Future Worth of 1 Future Worth of 1 per Period Sinking Fund Factor Present Worth of 1 Present Worth of 1 per Period Periodic Repayment
1 1.075000 1.000000 1.000000 0.930233 0.930233 1.075000
2 1.155625 2.075000 0.481928 0.865333 1.795565 0.556928
3 1.242297 3.230625 0.309538 0.804961 2.600526 0.384538
4 1.335469 4.472922 0.223568 0.748801 3.349326 0.298568
5 1.435629 5.808391 0.172165 0.696559 4.045885 0.247165
6 1.543302 7.244020 0.138045 0.647962 4.693846 0.213045
7 1.659049 8.787322 0.113800 0.602755 5.296601 0.188800
8 1.783478 10.446371 0.095727 0.560702 5.857304 0.170727
9 1.917239 12.229849 0.081767 0.521583 6.378887 0.156767
Note this value.10 Note this value.2.061032 14.147087 0.070686 0.485194 6.864081 0.145686
11 2.215609 16.208119 0.061697 0.451343 7.315424 0.136697
12 2.381780 18.423728 0.054278 0.419854 7.735278 0.129278
13 2.560413 20.805508 0.048064 0.390562 8.125840 0.123064

Interpolating, the annual rate at which the FW$1 factor is 2, is somewhere between 7.00 and 7.50%, approximately 7.2%.

Multiple Payments and FW$1

We have calculated the future value of single amounts or payments, using the FW$1 factor.

Many problems involve more than one payment, making it necessary to calculate the future value of multiple payments–that is, the future value of a stream of payments. Determining the future value of multiple payments is a straightforward extension of the single-payment situation.

When we calculated the future value of a single amount or payment, we multiplied the payment by the appropriate FW$1 factor. This compounded the payment to its future value.

If there is more than one payment, we must multiply each payment by the appropriate FW$1 factor and add up all of the future values. The sum of the future values is the total future value of the stream of payments.

Practical Applications of FW$1 with Multiple Payments

Example 1

You plan to make the following three deposits into a savings account:

  1. $10,000 at the end of the first year
  2. $15,000 at the end of the second year
  3. $20,000 at the end of the third year

At an annual interest rate of 5%, how much will you have in the account at the end of the third year (i.e., what is the total future value of all three payments)?


Calculate the future value of each payment as of the end of year 3 using the appropriate FW$1 factor (AH 505, page 29 [opens in a new tab], column 1) and add those future values. This sum is the future value of all three payments at the end of 3 years.


Payment FW$1 Factor Future Value
$10,000 × 1.102500 (FW$1, 5%, 2 years) = $11,025
$15,000 × 1.050000 (FW$1, 5%, 1 year) = $15,750
$20,000 × 1.0 (no compounding) = $20,000
Total future value at end of year 3 = $46,775

The first payment is compounded forward for two periods (years); the second payment for one period (year); and the final payment, which itself at the end of year 3, requires no compounding.

Cells of note are highlighted. ANNUAL COMPOUND INTEREST TABLES

Note this value.ANNUAL RATE 5.00%

Years Note this text.Future Worth of 1 Future Worth of 1 per Period Sinking Fund Factor Present Worth of 1 Present Worth of 1 per Period Periodic Repayment
Note this value.1 Note this value.1.050000 1.000000 1.000000 0.952381 0.952381 1.050000
Note this value.2 Note this value.1.102500 2.050000 0.487805 0.907029 1.859410 0.537805
3 1.157625 3.152500 0.317209 0.863838 2.723248 0.367209
4 1.215506 4.310125 0.232012 0.822702 3.545951 0.282012

Viewed on a Timeline:

Time Value of Money – Six Functions of a Dollar Lesson 2 – Future Worth of $1 (7)

On the timeline, the deposits are shown as negative because from the perspective of the depositor they represent cash outflows, and the resulting future values are shown as positive because they represent cash inflows at the end of year 3.

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Next Lesson

Time Value of Money – Six Functions of a Dollar Lesson 2 – Future Worth of $1 (2024)


How do you calculate the future value of $1? ›

In order to calculate the annual FW$1 factor for 4 years at an annual interest rate of 6%, use the formula below: FW$1 = (1 + i) FW$1 = (1 + 0.06) FW$1 = (1.06)

How to calculate PV of $1? ›

It equals the present value of $1 received in n years when the discount rate is i, compounded annually. For example, if a company receives $1 in 30 years time, and it uses a discount rate of 7 percent, then the present value factor is 1/(1 + . 07)30 = 0.13.

What concept of present value states a $1 today is worth than $1 in the future? ›

The time value of money is a concept that states a dollar today is always worth more than a dollar tomorrow (or a year from now). One reason for this is the opportunity costs of holding cash instead of investing in higher-return projects.

What are the six functions of the dollar? ›

There are six compound interest functions presented in Assessors' Handbook Section 505:
  • Future Worth of $1.
  • Present Worth of $1.
  • Future Worth of $1 Per Period.
  • Sinking Fund Factor.
  • Present Worth of $1 Per Period.
  • Periodic Repayment.

What is the formula for calculating future value FV? ›

The future value formula is FV=PV*(1+r)^n, where PV is the present value of the investment, r is the annual interest rate, and n is the number of years the money is invested. The Excel function FV can be used when there is a constant interest rate.

What will $1 be worth in 30 years? ›

Real growth rates
One time saving $1 (taxable account)Every year saving $1 (taxable account)
After # yearsNominal valueNominal value
7 more rows

What is the time value of money? ›

Time value of money is the concept that money today is worth more than money tomorrow. That is because money today can be used, invested, or grown. Therefore, $1 earned today is not the same as $1 earned one year from now because the money earned today can generate interest, unrealized gains, or unrealized losses.

What is PV $1? ›

P V = F V ( 1 + i ) n ⇒ P V = $ 1 ( 1 + i ) n. where PV is the present value, FV is the future value = $1, i is the interest rate in decimal form and n is the period number. FV is the Future Value (accumulated amount of money = $1) from an investment (PV) at an Interest Rate i% per period for n Number of Time Periods.

How do you use PV formula? ›

PV can be calculated in Excel with the formula =PV(rate, nper, pmt, [fv], [type]). If FV is omitted, PMT must be included, or vice versa, but both can also be included. NPV is different from PV, as it takes into account the initial investment amount.

What are two reasons $1 now is worth more than $1 in the future? ›

Time Value of Money (TVM) is a financial concept that describes why a dollar today is worth more than a dollar tomorrow. There are two main reasons why money in the present is worth more than an equal amount in the future: Inflation and Opportunity Cost.

What is the present value of future inflows per $1 of initial investment called? ›

The profitability index is a calculation determined by dividing the present value of futures cash flows by the initial investment in the project.

Why does $100 in the future not have the same value as $100 today describe inflation? ›

Answer and Explanation:

The main reason is inflation. Your purchasing power will be reduced in the future if you keep your income constant. Therefore, you would prefer to consume $100 worth of goods and services today then $100 worth of goods and services in the future.

What are the functions of money answer key? ›

The three functions of money are: Medium of exchange: use item to buy goods and services. Store of value: use item to transfer purchasing power to the future. Unit of account: use item to denote prices and debts.

What are the examples of functions of money? ›

Money functions as a medium of exchange, allowing individuals to trade goods and services with one another. It also serves as a store of value, allowing people to save wealth over time. Lastly, it functions as a unit of value, enabling people to compare the worth of different items.

How the dollar satisfies all six characteristics of money? ›

The six characteristics of money are durability, portability, divisibility, uniformity, limited supply, and acceptability. The U.S. dollar possesses all six characteristics as it is a physical currency that is durable, portable, and can be divided into smaller units.

How do you calculate future value with example? ›

Compounding period (n) = 4. Annual interest rate (r) = 11% which converts to quarterly interest of 2.75 % [11% / 4] FV = 20,000 * (1 + 0.0275) ^ 4. FV = 20,000 * (1.0275) ^ 4.

What is the future value of $1000 after 5 years at 8% per year? ›

Answer and Explanation: The future value of a $1000 investment today at 8 percent annual interest compounded semiannually for 5 years is $1,480.24.

What is the future value of $1000 a year for five years at a 6% rate of interest? ›

Final answer: The future value of $1,000 a year for five years at a 6% rate of interest is $1,338.23.

What is the future value of $1000 saved each year for 10 years at 5 percent? ›

For example, if you were to invest $1000 today at a 5% annual rate, you could use a future value calculation to determine that this investment would be worth $1628.89 in ten years.

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Name: Frankie Dare

Birthday: 2000-01-27

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Hobby: Baton twirling, Stand-up comedy, Leather crafting, Rugby, tabletop games, Jigsaw puzzles, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.