Inflation hurts debtor and creditors. True False | (2024)

Business Economics Inflation


Inflation hurts debtor and creditors.




Some amount of inflation is needed in the economy to induce the producer to produce the goods and services. Inflation has a negative relationship with unemployment. The relation between inflation and unemployment was given by Phillips.

Answer and Explanation:1


The statement is false. It is because inflation hurts only creditors and not debtors. Creditors are hurt because the money they receive with...

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Inflation hurts debtor and creditors. True False | (1)

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Inflation | Definition, Causes & Formula


Chapter 4/ Lesson 16


Learn about the inflation rate. Discover the causes of inflation and how to calculate it. Understand how to use the inflation rate formula through examples.

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  • True or false? A restrictive monetary policy is used when the government is concerned about suddenly increasing inflation.
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Inflation hurts debtor and creditors. True False | (2024)


Inflation hurts debtor and creditors. True False | ›

Answer and Explanation:

Does inflation hurt creditors or debtors? ›

A basic rule of inflation is that it causes the value of a currency to decline over time. In other words, cash now is worth more than cash in the future. Thus, inflation lets debtors pay lenders back with money worth less than it was when they originally borrowed it.

Who does inflation hurt? ›

Key Takeaways. The impact of inflation depends on what's causing it. Inflationary oil supply shocks tend to hurt the least affluent by more than the most affluent. Inflationary monetary shocks do the opposite: They hurt the most affluent more than the least affluent.

Is inflation good for debt? ›

The real value of debt decreases when inflation is high. Think of it this way: While wages don't always keep up with inflation when prices are rising rapidly, they do tend to increase during these periods, and that can make it easier to cover the payments on a fixed-rate loan product such as a mortgage or student loan.

Are lenders hurt by inflation? ›

Lenders are hurt by unanticipated inflation because the money they get paid back has less purchasing power than the money they loaned out. Borrowers benefit from unanticipated inflation because the money they pay back is worth less than the money they borrowed.

How does inflation destroy debt? ›

On the other hand, inflation-induced debt destruction says that if both your asset value and wages continue to rise with inflation and you pay the same fixed rate on the same amount of money, the loan gets more affordable over time.

How does inflation affect consumer debt? ›

Inflation and interest rates generally move in the same direction. If wages remain the same during periods of inflation, there is less money to pay down debt. In addition, consumers may use more credit to make purchases which can result in paying more interest and increasing the debt balance.

How does inflation benefit the debtors? ›

It is caused when increase in money supply and production falls. Inflation brings most benefits to debtors because people seek more money from debtors in order to meet the increased prices of commodities.

Is inflation good or bad? ›

Is Inflation Good Or Bad? Inflation is measured by the consumer price index (CPI), and at low rates, it keeps the economy healthy. But when the rate of inflation rises rapidly, it can result in lower purchasing power, higher interest rates, slower economic growth and other negative economic effects.

Who benefits the most from inflation wise? ›

Inflation benefits those with fixed-rate, low-interest mortgages and some stock investors. Individuals and families on a fixed income, holding variable interest rate debt are hurt the most by inflation.

Who is benefiting from inflation? ›

The middle class typically benefits from inflation because the middle class typically has a lot of debt. Think of someone who owes $100,000 on a $200,000 home. Inflation makes the home more valuable and the debt relatively less onerous.

Which statement is true of inflation? ›

The true statement is option d) It refers to an increase in the average level of prices. The inflation over a given period signifies the general increase in the average price level of goods and services.

What causes inflation? ›

More jobs and higher wages increase household incomes and lead to a rise in consumer spending, further increasing aggregate demand and the scope for firms to increase the prices of their goods and services. When this happens across a large number of businesses and sectors, this leads to an increase in inflation.

Who suffers most from inflation? ›

Business class groups suffer the most from inflation.

Which people do not gain during inflation? ›

likes workers, salaried, employees, teachers, pensioners, creditors are the worst loser during inflation. The hardest hit is the persons who receive fixed incomes, usually called the middle class.

Who benefits from lower than expected inflation? ›

If inflation turns out to be lower than expected, then the creditor benefits because the inflation-adjusted repayment will be higher than what was anticipated by both parties.

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