Announcement of upcoming pricing changes for Cloud Load Balancing  |  Google Cloud (2024)

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This page covers Cloud Load Balancing pricing changes that becomeeffective on October 1, 2022.

Starting October 1, 2022, we'll apply an outbound data processing charge of$0.008 - $0.012 per GB (based on region) to allCloud Load Balancing products in order to maintain consistency and alignmentwith the variable costs of the services across our Cloud Load Balancingportfolio. The charge will be called Outbound data processed by loadbalancer and the price will mirror the existing price for the Inbounddata processed by load balancer charge.

If you are on an existing contract, your prices will not change for the lifetimeof the contract or until renewal. The current internal Application Load Balancer pricingalready includes this charge, so no changes are being made there.

For current prices, see Cloud Load Balancing pricing.For the FAQ associated with this pricing change, see the Google Cloudannouncement.

New SKUs for outbound data processed by load balancer

Prices listed are in US dollars (USD). If you pay in a currency other than USD,the prices listed in your currency on Cloud Platform SKUs (to be updatedOctober 1, 2022) will apply.

Global external Application Load Balancer and classic Application Load Balancer

SKU ID SKU Description SKU List Price (USD per GB)
350D-BEA3-0664 Networking Cloud Load Balancing HTTPS External Global Outbound Data Processing Asiaeast1 $0.008
CBD3-34A1-6420 Networking Cloud Load Balancing HTTPS External Global Outbound Data Processing Asiaeast2 $0.0112
86C9-AD43-1809 Networking Cloud Load Balancing HTTPS External Global Outbound Data Processing Asianortheast1 $0.012
6079-F53B-80AB Networking Cloud Load Balancing HTTPS External Global Outbound Data Processing Asianortheast2 $0.012
3C98-FAA0-7935 Networking Cloud Load Balancing HTTPS External Global Outbound Data Processing Asianortheast3 $0.012
91CC-DEC4-4AC7 Networking Cloud Load Balancing HTTPS External Global Outbound Data Processing Asiasouth1 $0.01
EDC5-54F7-F517 Networking Cloud Load Balancing HTTPS External Global Outbound Data Processing Asiasouth2 $0.01
A9BA-43D3-25AD Networking Cloud Load Balancing HTTPS External Global Outbound Data Processing Asiasoutheast1 $0.009
DD50-16EE-0516 Networking Cloud Load Balancing HTTPS External Global Outbound Data Processing Asiasoutheast2 $0.00981
4CA7-81FE-92B2 Networking Cloud Load Balancing HTTPS External Global Outbound Data Processing Australiasoutheast1 $0.011
E73E-0A0A-0BED Networking Cloud Load Balancing HTTPS External Global Outbound Data Processing Australiasoutheast2 $0.011
5242-5967-C891 Networking Cloud Load Balancing HTTPS External Global Outbound Data Processing Europecentral2 $0.01
3DAD-2366-1337 Networking Cloud Load Balancing HTTPS External Global Outbound Data Processing Europenorth1 $0.009
110D-39D2-6477 Networking Cloud Load Balancing HTTPS External Global Outbound Data Processing Europesouthwest1 $0.0096
8AE2-BE75-D426 Networking Cloud Load Balancing HTTPS External Global Outbound Data Processing Europewest1 $0.008
8E85-84A5-943D Networking Cloud Load Balancing HTTPS External Global Outbound Data Processing Europewest2 $0.01
60B5-0FFC-DFA0 Networking Cloud Load Balancing HTTPS External Global Outbound Data Processing Europewest3 $0.01
32B4-56D3-0953 Networking Cloud Load Balancing HTTPS External Global Outbound Data Processing Europewest4 $0.009
2AE2-78E4-3C34 Networking Cloud Load Balancing HTTPS External Global Outbound Data Processing Europewest5 $0.01
1D71-8CF2-1494 Networking Cloud Load Balancing HTTPS External Global Outbound Data Processing Europewest6 $0.0104
FB1D-9D05-283B Networking Cloud Load Balancing HTTPS External Global Outbound Data Processing Europewest8 $0.00936
E894-0D37-FC03 Networking Cloud Load Balancing HTTPS External Global Outbound Data Processing Europewest9 $0.00936
3E6D-CD63-D003 Networking Cloud Load Balancing HTTPS External Global Outbound Data Processing Mewest1 $0.0088
8D8D-CE34-BA5A Networking Cloud Load Balancing HTTPS External Global Outbound Data Processing Northamericanortheast1 $0.009
B5C2-A60D-E1CC Networking Cloud Load Balancing HTTPS External Global Outbound Data Processing Northamericanortheast2 $0.009
4DF1-43E6-7CFE Networking Cloud Load Balancing HTTPS External Global Outbound Data Processing Southamericaeast1 $0.012
6F69-AD9C-CB5C Networking Cloud Load Balancing HTTPS External Global Outbound Data Processing Southamericawest1 $0.012
1481-64C8-6805 Networking Cloud Load Balancing HTTPS External Global Outbound Data Processing Uscentral1 $0.008
E43F-E132-4694 Networking Cloud Load Balancing HTTPS External Global Outbound Data Processing Useast1 $0.008
FDFC-D3EF-B0A1 Networking Cloud Load Balancing HTTPS External Global Outbound Data Processing Useast4 $0.009
8642-13C2-C67C Networking Cloud Load Balancing HTTPS External Global Outbound Data Processing Useast5 $0.01
2E16-CE84-5092 Networking Cloud Load Balancing HTTPS External Global Outbound Data Processing Useast7 $0.008
667D-D096-6F9F Networking Cloud Load Balancing HTTPS External Global Outbound Data Processing Ussouth1 $0.00944
E044-80F9-D0C3 Networking Cloud Load Balancing HTTPS External Global Outbound Data Processing Uswest1 $0.008
EB9B-C1F8-68CB Networking Cloud Load Balancing HTTPS External Global Outbound Data Processing Uswest2 $0.01
$0353-96DB-E4EC Networking Cloud Load Balancing HTTPS External Global Outbound Data Processing Uswest3 $0.01
7F37-1193-D43D Networking Cloud Load Balancing HTTPS External Global Outbound Data Processing Uswest4 $0.009

Regional external Application Load Balancer

SKU ID SKU Description SKU List Price (USD per GB)
6461-9B80-88EB Networking Cloud Load Balancing HTTPS External Regional Outbound Data Processing Asiaeast1 $0.008
2DA4-60F8-167D Networking Cloud Load Balancing HTTPS External Regional Outbound Data Processing Asiaeast2 $0.0112
22EA-A3F3-D43E Networking Cloud Load Balancing HTTPS External Regional Outbound Data Processing Asianortheast1 $0.012
5EEB-601A-4B74 Networking Cloud Load Balancing HTTPS External Regional Outbound Data Processing Asianortheast2 $0.012
EBCE-61F1-6CE7 Networking Cloud Load Balancing HTTPS External Regional Outbound Data Processing Asianortheast3 $0.012
8625-A380-1224 Networking Cloud Load Balancing HTTPS External Regional Outbound Data Processing Asiasouth1 $0.01
C2EB-B343-5192 Networking Cloud Load Balancing HTTPS External Regional Outbound Data Processing Asiasouth2 $0.01
3275-05B0-D475 Networking Cloud Load Balancing HTTPS External Regional Outbound Data Processing Asiasoutheast1 $0.009
1497-0D02-1D98 Networking Cloud Load Balancing HTTPS External Regional Outbound Data Processing Asiasoutheast2 $0.00981
732B-7574-0DDC Networking Cloud Load Balancing HTTPS External Regional Outbound Data Processing Australiasoutheast1 $0.011
A200-33A3-245F Networking Cloud Load Balancing HTTPS External Regional Outbound Data Processing Australiasoutheast2 $0.011
0805-38B4-A6AA Networking Cloud Load Balancing HTTPS External Regional Outbound Data Processing Europecentral2 $0.01
A7BC-0A86-BB2E Networking Cloud Load Balancing HTTPS External Regional Outbound Data Processing Europenorth1 $0.009
3A80-35DD-8213 Networking Cloud Load Balancing HTTPS External Regional Outbound Data Processing Europesouthwest1 $0.0096
6447-DBD0-130A Networking Cloud Load Balancing HTTPS External Regional Outbound Data Processing Europewest1 $0.008
5A74-0128-8187 Networking Cloud Load Balancing HTTPS External Regional Outbound Data Processing Europewest2 $0.01
D008-DADF-093C Networking Cloud Load Balancing HTTPS External Regional Outbound Data Processing Europewest3 $0.01
B380-B567-6D29 Networking Cloud Load Balancing HTTPS External Regional Outbound Data Processing Europewest4 $0.009
DCE9-C1CA-81B2 Networking Cloud Load Balancing HTTPS External Regional Outbound Data Processing Europewest5 $0.01
F0C7-4A86-E056 Networking Cloud Load Balancing HTTPS External Regional Outbound Data Processing Europewest6 $0.0104
454E-9A7D-F9D5 Networking Cloud Load Balancing HTTPS External Regional Outbound Data Processing Europewest8 $0.00936
9139-E803-FACE Networking Cloud Load Balancing HTTPS External Regional Outbound Data Processing Europewest9 $0.00936
8562-97A0-797E Networking Cloud Load Balancing HTTPS External Regional Outbound Data Processing Mewest1 $0.0088
F0DD-1D41-B68D Networking Cloud Load Balancing HTTPS External Regional Outbound Data Processing Northamericanortheast1 $0.009
9BB3-3C40-2809 Networking Cloud Load Balancing HTTPS External Regional Outbound Data Processing Northamericanortheast2 $0.009
A60F-0E11-6E0C Networking Cloud Load Balancing HTTPS External Regional Outbound Data Processing Southamericaeast1 $0.012
2C71-0AFA-E05A Networking Cloud Load Balancing HTTPS External Regional Outbound Data Processing Southamericawest1 $0.012
B9BD-6489-535E Networking Cloud Load Balancing HTTPS External Regional Outbound Data Processing Uscentral1 $0.008
6692-4B3B-9E35 Networking Cloud Load Balancing HTTPS External Regional Outbound Data Processing Useast1 $0.008
8365-2032-F1D3 Networking Cloud Load Balancing HTTPS External Regional Outbound Data Processing Useast4 $0.009
9895-3D84-C97F Networking Cloud Load Balancing HTTPS External Regional Outbound Data Processing Useast5 $0.01
77C0-9E0C-76B0 Networking Cloud Load Balancing HTTPS External Regional Outbound Data Processing Useast7 $0.008
3004-4CDD-0CFB Networking Cloud Load Balancing HTTPS External Regional Outbound Data Processing Ussouth1 $0.00944
D727-6F37-F264 Networking Cloud Load Balancing HTTPS External Regional Outbound Data Processing Uswest1 $0.008
0427-AC0E-DEAF Networking Cloud Load Balancing HTTPS External Regional Outbound Data Processing Uswest2 $0.01
AE3D-4662-FCEF Networking Cloud Load Balancing HTTPS External Regional Outbound Data Processing Uswest3 $0.01
F2A9-01F4-E934 Networking Cloud Load Balancing HTTPS External Regional Outbound Data Processing Uswest4 $0.009

Internal Application Load Balancer

The current internal Application Load Balancerpricing already includes an outbound data processing charge, so nochanges are being made for this load balancer.

External proxy Network Load Balancer

SKU ID SKU Description SKU List Price (USD per GB)
0679-ABB8-C5C8 Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Proxy External Global Outbound Data Processing Asiaeast1 $0.008
E0B9-C4CF-CD3D Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Proxy External Global Outbound Data Processing Asiaeast2 $0.0112
C789-6D4C-55F4 Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Proxy External Global Outbound Data Processing Asianortheast1 $0.012
24B5-0377-D86F Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Proxy External Global Outbound Data Processing Asianortheast2 $0.012
C08C-E0B5-1276 Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Proxy External Global Outbound Data Processing Asianortheast3 $0.012
AB50-11CA-C880 Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Proxy External Global Outbound Data Processing Asiasouth1 $0.01
22E1-6EAE-2E1A Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Proxy External Global Outbound Data Processing Asiasouth2 $0.01
53A1-65C6-2755 Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Proxy External Global Outbound Data Processing Asiasoutheast1 $0.009
1650-E24E-4CC5 Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Proxy External Global Outbound Data Processing Asiasoutheast2 $0.00981
E6C9-847C-3BC5 Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Proxy External Global Outbound Data Processing Australiasoutheast1 $0.011
5652-C462-483E Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Proxy External Global Outbound Data Processing Australiasoutheast2 $0.011
B79A-CDE6-1573 Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Proxy External Global Outbound Data Processing Europecentral2 $0.01
798B-7DD3-CDE3 Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Proxy External Global Outbound Data Processing Europenorth1 $0.009
E2E1-3264-08B6 Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Proxy External Global Outbound Data Processing Europesouthwest1 $0.0096
FCEF-D0D0-4D67 Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Proxy External Global Outbound Data Processing Europewest1 $0.008
213A-F44C-C429 Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Proxy External Global Outbound Data Processing Europewest2 $0.01
338B-2E29-04A0 Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Proxy External Global Outbound Data Processing Europewest3 $0.01
1B73-43E8-AF33 Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Proxy External Global Outbound Data Processing Europewest4 $0.009
680E-E0B6-D577 Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Proxy External Global Outbound Data Processing Europewest5 $0.01
F267-D071-9429 Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Proxy External Global Outbound Data Processing Europewest6 $0.0104
3946-8ACD-C64E Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Proxy External Global Outbound Data Processing Europewest8 $0.00936
3E3E-6605-90C1 Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Proxy External Global Outbound Data Processing Europewest9 $0.00936
599A-80A2-1156 Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Proxy External Global Outbound Data Processing Mewest1 $0.0088
3A72-E827-1BA6 Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Proxy External Global Outbound Data Processing Northamericanortheast1 $0.009
DEA2-5C70-A117 Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Proxy External Global Outbound Data Processing Northamericanortheast2 $0.009
FD86-E9A2-BF88 Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Proxy External Global Outbound Data Processing Southamericaeast1 $0.012
E56A-2B41-9DE8 Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Proxy External Global Outbound Data Processing Southamericawest1 $0.012
D532-2B5E-89A3 Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Proxy External Global Outbound Data Processing Uscentral1 $0.008
017B-C5EE-2FB0 Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Proxy External Global Outbound Data Processing Useast1 $0.008
E511-ED73-D901 Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Proxy External Global Outbound Data Processing Useast4 $0.009
C82C-77E1-338C Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Proxy External Global Outbound Data Processing Useast5 $0.01
292B-7A6F-A734 Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Proxy External Global Outbound Data Processing Useast7 $0.008
8809-EB9D-7BCE Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Proxy External Global Outbound Data Processing Ussouth1 $0.00944
7A8B-D270-B431 Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Proxy External Global Outbound Data Processing Uswest1 $0.008
3461-E322-726A Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Proxy External Global Outbound Data Processing Uswest2 $0.01
7A48-FA03-FA37 Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Proxy External Global Outbound Data Processing Uswest3 $0.01
35FA-04F2-AE70 Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Proxy External Global Outbound Data Processing Uswest4 $0.009

Regional internal proxy Network Load Balancer

SKU ID SKU Description SKU List Price (USD per GB)
46F0-E79A-6E05 Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Proxy Internal Regional Outbound Data Processing Asiaeast1 $0.008
DE34-AF5A-95B3 Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Proxy Internal Regional Outbound Data Processing Asiaeast2 $0.0112
5F22-8F7E-B722 Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Proxy Internal Regional Outbound Data Processing Asianortheast1 $0.012
D5DD-EDB0-61E8 Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Proxy Internal Regional Outbound Data Processing Asianortheast2 $0.012
4CF6-5EBC-92C8 Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Proxy Internal Regional Outbound Data Processing Asianortheast3 $0.012
E48B-DEF9-4A25 Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Proxy Internal Regional Outbound Data Processing Asiasouth1 $0.01
EFAF-917B-C281 Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Proxy Internal Regional Outbound Data Processing Asiasouth2 $0.01
88D2-AC08-A353 Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Proxy Internal Regional Outbound Data Processing Asiasoutheast1 $0.009
DA1E-976C-7304 Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Proxy Internal Regional Outbound Data Processing Asiasoutheast2 $0.00981
A55B-F762-5974 Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Proxy Internal Regional Outbound Data Processing Australiasoutheast1 $0.011
F69E-CFD3-7904 Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Proxy Internal Regional Outbound Data Processing Australiasoutheast2 $0.011
86A9-9F7C-506E Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Proxy Internal Regional Outbound Data Processing Europecentral2 $0.01
5C08-A48C-E83D Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Proxy Internal Regional Outbound Data Processing Europenorth1 $0.009
2854-7B23-ABA6 Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Proxy Internal Regional Outbound Data Processing Europesouthwest1 $0.0096
28A5-9E91-B8B0 Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Proxy Internal Regional Outbound Data Processing Europewest1 $0.008
289E-964E-1785 Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Proxy Internal Regional Outbound Data Processing Europewest2 $0.01
4218-FABE-F1E8 Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Proxy Internal Regional Outbound Data Processing Europewest3 $0.01
D01D-BF6B-0928 Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Proxy Internal Regional Outbound Data Processing Europewest4 $0.009
B4FA-BDEB-78B7 Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Proxy Internal Regional Outbound Data Processing Europewest5 $0.01
2D6C-4EFC-BABC Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Proxy Internal Regional Outbound Data Processing Europewest6 $0.0104
A59D-8C76-E02E Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Proxy Internal Regional Outbound Data Processing Europewest8 $0.00936
D86F-0674-0EC5 Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Proxy Internal Regional Outbound Data Processing Europewest9 $0.00936
46E3-1BC8-5967 Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Proxy Internal Regional Outbound Data Processing Mewest1 $0.0088
1025-E56F-8083 Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Proxy Internal Regional Outbound Data Processing Northamericanortheast1 $0.009
73BB-81F5-3C05 Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Proxy Internal Regional Outbound Data Processing Northamericanortheast2 $0.009
5D32-03C5-C215 Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Proxy Internal Regional Outbound Data Processing Southamericaeast1 $0.012
E237-B5DF-51FE Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Proxy Internal Regional Outbound Data Processing Southamericawest1 $0.012
5F9D-2DD7-6BE2 Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Proxy Internal Regional Outbound Data Processing Uscentral1 $0.008
809B-39C9-D31B Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Proxy Internal Regional Outbound Data Processing Useast1 $0.008
2F67-5020-90EE Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Proxy Internal Regional Outbound Data Processing Useast4 $0.009
B286-B6FC-F3BB Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Proxy Internal Regional Outbound Data Processing Useast5 $0.01
69CE-88A4-85F8 Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Proxy Internal Regional Outbound Data Processing Useast7 $0.008
DFF5-B1CE-675C Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Proxy Internal Regional Outbound Data Processing Ussouth1 $0.00944
7344-63AE-BF9C Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Proxy Internal Regional Outbound Data Processing Uswest1 $0.008
4EB1-33F6-115A Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Proxy Internal Regional Outbound Data Processing Uswest2 $0.01
A691-B62E-AA4E Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Proxy Internal Regional Outbound Data Processing Uswest3 $0.01
4BED-AD9D-25D3 Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Proxy Internal Regional Outbound Data Processing Uswest4 $0.009

External passthrough Network Load Balancer

SKU ID SKU Description SKU List Price (USD per GB)
7004-7125-62FA Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Passthrough External Regional Outbound Data Processing Asiaeast1 $0.008
A1EA-D469-7258 Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Passthrough External Regional Outbound Data Processing Asiaeast2 $0.0112
7CDD-69FC-E119 Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Passthrough External Regional Outbound Data Processing Asianortheast1 $0.012
33F7-EFFD-91BC Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Passthrough External Regional Outbound Data Processing Asianortheast2 $0.012
A55A-7FD9-1510 Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Passthrough External Regional Outbound Data Processing Asianortheast3 $0.012
8271-F4E3-D262 Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Passthrough External Regional Outbound Data Processing Asiasouth1 $0.01
18BD-A4F3-4025 Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Passthrough External Regional Outbound Data Processing Asiasouth2 $0.01
7A9F-1055-E5CE Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Passthrough External Regional Outbound Data Processing Asiasoutheast1 $0.009
2E20-BC75-6173 Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Passthrough External Regional Outbound Data Processing Asiasoutheast2 $0.00981
2200-F9DA-136D Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Passthrough External Regional Outbound Data Processing Australiasoutheast1 $0.011
9D03-F602-D673 Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Passthrough External Regional Outbound Data Processing Australiasoutheast2 $0.011
F7DC-FE7E-5F87 Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Passthrough External Regional Outbound Data Processing Europecentral2 $0.01
AEFF-3781-B40A Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Passthrough External Regional Outbound Data Processing Europenorth1 $0.009
416D-8554-ABC4 Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Passthrough External Regional Outbound Data Processing Europesouthwest1 $0.0096
D6C9-9019-4CFC Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Passthrough External Regional Outbound Data Processing Europewest1 $0.008
5701-CF28-C64C Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Passthrough External Regional Outbound Data Processing Europewest2 $0.01
404D-D5B7-46FB Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Passthrough External Regional Outbound Data Processing Europewest3 $0.01
0030-7C5D-32ED Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Passthrough External Regional Outbound Data Processing Europewest4 $0.009
ACB0-84DD-F12F Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Passthrough External Regional Outbound Data Processing Europewest5 $0.01
9161-5D8C-3D29 Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Passthrough External Regional Outbound Data Processing Europewest6 $0.0104
0869-6273-6146 Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Passthrough External Regional Outbound Data Processing Europewest8 $0.00936
D352-C113-6A9C Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Passthrough External Regional Outbound Data Processing Europewest9 $0.00936
BFF3-EE08-F1F3 Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Passthrough External Regional Outbound Data Processing Mewest1 $0.0088
C45B-D8C8-3579 Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Passthrough External Regional Outbound Data Processing Northamericanortheast1 $0.009
18F8-D051-A516 Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Passthrough External Regional Outbound Data Processing Northamericanortheast2 $0.009
340D-5FCD-FCDE Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Passthrough External Regional Outbound Data Processing Southamericaeast1 $0.012
265C-A819-CEAF Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Passthrough External Regional Outbound Data Processing Southamericawest1 $0.012
BB2A-D2B6-E858 Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Passthrough External Regional Outbound Data Processing Uscentral1 $0.008
4F48-C8C6-0DFF Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Passthrough External Regional Outbound Data Processing Useast1 $0.008
ABE8-57DA-FAF9 Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Passthrough External Regional Outbound Data Processing Useast4 $0.009
3E89-F104-D09C Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Passthrough External Regional Outbound Data Processing Useast5 $0.01
8CE5-D6E1-1DFE Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Passthrough External Regional Outbound Data Processing Useast7 $0.008
634E-364E-7293 Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Passthrough External Regional Outbound Data Processing Ussouth1 $0.00944
45B3-7C9D-FE05 Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Passthrough External Regional Outbound Data Processing Uswest1 $0.008
34C9-6A7A-09B1 Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Passthrough External Regional Outbound Data Processing Uswest2 $0.01
065C-12F7-F5A1 Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Passthrough External Regional Outbound Data Processing Uswest3 $0.01
F18D-C1A3-A1D6 Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Passthrough External Regional Outbound Data Processing Uswest4 $0.009

Internal passthrough Network Load Balancer

SKU ID SKU Description SKU List Price (USD per GB)
BFA8-3ACD-BBEC Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Passthrough Internal Regional Outbound Data Processing Asiaeast1 $0.008
E271-1EA3-426A Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Passthrough Internal Regional Outbound Data Processing Asiaeast2 $0.0088
3AB3-96A3-08CA Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Passthrough Internal Regional Outbound Data Processing Asianortheast1 $0.012
746C-CD67-A185 Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Passthrough Internal Regional Outbound Data Processing Asianortheast2 $0.012
88B8-4A20-CD8D Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Passthrough Internal Regional Outbound Data Processing Asianortheast3 $0.012
CEEB-D6EC-1473 Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Passthrough Internal Regional Outbound Data Processing Asiasouth1 $0.01
EA75-75A5-9480 Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Passthrough Internal Regional Outbound Data Processing Asiasouth2 $0.01
121C-9CF0-4E0D Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Passthrough Internal Regional Outbound Data Processing Asiasoutheast1 $0.009
6C7A-E27A-A324 Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Passthrough Internal Regional Outbound Data Processing Asiasoutheast2 $0.00981
ED5A-8613-E47F Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Passthrough Internal Regional Outbound Data Processing Australiasoutheast1 $0.011
3824-2295-31CB Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Passthrough Internal Regional Outbound Data Processing Australiasoutheast2 $0.011
3243-972E-F7CC Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Passthrough Internal Regional Outbound Data Processing Europecentral2 $0.01
BD6F-A2E5-F123 Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Passthrough Internal Regional Outbound Data Processing Europenorth1 $0.009
59A4-DE80-FDEE Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Passthrough Internal Regional Outbound Data Processing Europesouthwest1 $0.0096
B6D0-2F2E-0D68 Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Passthrough Internal Regional Outbound Data Processing Europewest1 $0.008
578D-9C14-F1BD Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Passthrough Internal Regional Outbound Data Processing Europewest2 $0.01
CACA-5A89-25D4 Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Passthrough Internal Regional Outbound Data Processing Europewest3 $0.01
0686-579D-BEB6 Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Passthrough Internal Regional Outbound Data Processing Europewest4 $0.009
BADD-3B7F-AD04 Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Passthrough Internal Regional Outbound Data Processing Europewest5 $0.01
5E98-E2C2-EB1C Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Passthrough Internal Regional Outbound Data Processing Europewest6 $0.0104
8347-37AB-DD6C Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Passthrough Internal Regional Outbound Data Processing Europewest8 $0.00936
F3F9-AA03-3A5F Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Passthrough Internal Regional Outbound Data Processing Europewest9 $0.00936
CB99-6493-B4A4 Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Passthrough Internal Regional Outbound Data Processing Mewest1 $0.0088
6038-424E-80A6 Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Passthrough Internal Regional Outbound Data Processing Northamericanortheast1 $0.009
6763-6D33-C190 Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Passthrough Internal Regional Outbound Data Processing Northamericanortheast2 $0.009
0270-361A-2F62 Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Passthrough Internal Regional Outbound Data Processing Southamericaeast1 $0.012
7514-C905-7904 Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Passthrough Internal Regional Outbound Data Processing Southamericawest1 $0.012
8111-FEE9-BFEE Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Passthrough Internal Regional Outbound Data Processing Uscentral1 $0.008
6127-A327-53BB Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Passthrough Internal Regional Outbound Data Processing Useast1 $0.008
E2D3-C985-3EA8 Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Passthrough Internal Regional Outbound Data Processing Useast4 $0.009
66A6-C8F8-41E7 Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Passthrough Internal Regional Outbound Data Processing Useast5 $0.008
CF2D-6E65-506C Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Passthrough Internal Regional Outbound Data Processing Useast7 $0.008
4F8C-72E0-1305 Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Passthrough Internal Regional Outbound Data Processing Ussouth1 $0.00944
639C-1C78-CB65 Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Passthrough Internal Regional Outbound Data Processing Uswest1 $0.008
A51E-46E4-EEB4 Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Passthrough Internal Regional Outbound Data Processing Uswest2 $0.0096
F4A3-2524-1751 Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Passthrough Internal Regional Outbound Data Processing Uswest3 $0.008
2DC5-59ED-FB23 Networking Cloud Load Balancing Network Passthrough Internal Regional Outbound Data Processing Uswest4 $0.009

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Last updated 2024-05-23 UTC.

Announcement of upcoming pricing changes for Cloud Load Balancing  |  Google Cloud (2024)
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Name: Otha Schamberger

Birthday: 1999-08-15

Address: Suite 490 606 Hammes Ferry, Carterhaven, IL 62290

Phone: +8557035444877

Job: Forward IT Agent

Hobby: Fishing, Flying, Jewelry making, Digital arts, Sand art, Parkour, tabletop games

Introduction: My name is Otha Schamberger, I am a vast, good, healthy, cheerful, energetic, gorgeous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.